Friday, July 31, 2009

From Web meets World to Web is World

  1. 管理學大師Peter Drucker比較工業革命資訊革命異同的觀察:
  2. 一年一度在美國舉行的Web 2.0 Summit今年十月進入第六屆,去年的主題是"Web meets World",今年的主題將會是"Web Squared"。按主辦者Tim O'reilly解釋Web 2.0 is all about harnessing collective intelligence。隨著Web 2.0的科技發展,環球智能透過網絡互動,逐漸形成Collective Mind-- "Increasingly, the Web is the world.... Web Squared is our way of exploring this phenomenon and giving it a name." (italics mine)
  3. 有聽過Social Computing嗎? 一篇以"The shift to Social Computing"爲題的文章,把Social Computing視為Web 2.0的延伸,文章從Web 2.0與Social Computing的關係,了解Social Computing 是甚麼:若Web 2.0 是覆蓋國家的公路網,Social Computing的功用,便是開發這公路網帶來的商機,譬如:旅遊,商貿,能源需求,衛星城市發展.... 等等。 Social Computing帶來了甚麼特別的轉變?The following are identified in the article as the generally accepted basic tenets of SC:
    • Innovation is moving from a top-down to bottom-up model
    • Value is shifting from ownership to experiences
    • Power is moving from institutions to communities
    附上導想圖/Concept Map,把上述三組資訊的背景資料從以下角度扼要列出,藉以爲未來企業環境勾劃出一個輪廓:
    1. 歴史角度
    2. Web 2.0的發展理念
    3. Social Computing: Web 2.0的具體表現

    view background materials in Concept Map

    relate post:
    Mar. 26, 2006 你的業務是甚麼?

    Monday, July 27, 2009


    With the help of the accompanying Concept Map, the objective of this blog post is to connect and explore through the connection, how 2 apparently isolated trains of events might after all be closely related together.

    The first such series of events is concerned with Middle East politics and reported in a (July 23, 2009) New York Times article:
    Seven months after Israel started a fierce three-week military campaign here to stop rockets from being fired on its southern communities, Hamas has suspended its use of rockets and shifted focus to winning support at home and abroad through cultural initiatives and public relations.
    "The aim," the article continued, "is to build what leaders here call a 'culture of resistance,' the topic of a recent two-day conference." This is how the article traced the change in tactics:
    “Armed resistance is still important and legitimate, but we have a new emphasis on cultural resistance,” noted Ayman Taha, a Hamas leader and former fighter. “The current situation required a stoppage of rockets. After the war, the fighters needed a break and the people needed a break.”

    Mr. Taha and others say that the military has replaced field commanders and restructured itself as it learns lessons from the war. The decision to suspend the use of the short-range Qassam rockets that for years have flown into Israel, often dozens a day, has been partly the result of popular pressure. Increasingly, people here are questioning the value of the rockets, not because they hit civilians but because they are seen as relatively ineffective.

    “What did the rockets do for us? Nothing,” Mona Abdelaziz, a 36-year-old lawyer, said in a typical street interview here....
    As a result of this shift in strategy, in June this year it is reported that "a total of two rockets were fired from Gaza, according to the Israeli military, one of the lowest monthly tallies since the firing began in 2002."

    I'm not readily convinced that the prime reason behind such drastic reduction in rocket shelling was a new awareness that it has accomplished nothing. Since when has such popular pressure been built up that rockets "are seen as relatively ineffective"!? This surprise development in Middle East politics begs an obvious question: Why has public opinions, at home and abroad, suddenly gained such prominence in a struggle that has all along been fiercely determined in the battlefield by the warring parties? Other dynamic force(s) must be also at work.

    As I pondered upon these questions, it became apparent to me that changes that are happening concurrently today in what is often referred to as the Information Revolution is a likely candidate capable of inducing such a strategic shift, which leads me to the second category of information that I'd like to bring into the discussion.

    In the accompanying Concept Map, a selected sources of materials (mainly videos) are connected together, with a view to gaining an understanding of (i) the Web 2.0 phenomenon, and (ii) the amazing developments of Twitter as a Web 2.0 manifestation.

    I'll leave it to the readers to figure out how these factors might have generated a new dynamic that is capable of empowering popular opinions to play a significant part in world politics.

    Thursday, July 16, 2009


    • 7月14日「政策政情」版消息,民建聯創黨主席曾鈺成去年在一片「疑似地下共產黨黨員」的爭議聲中,獲選為立法會主席,其後需要面對社民連三子公然挑戰權威,但總結其一年來的表現,各大政黨都表示接受,其中社民連主席黃毓民更直言「做得唔錯」....
    • 同日,余錦賢「香港脈搏」專欄的小道消息,估計最有機會担任下屆特區政府政務司司長的熱門人選,是兩位以幹練並承担力見稱的女將:前保安局局長,現任立法會議員葉劉淑儀及現任發展局局長林鄭月娥。其中葉劉藉O七年參選立法會議員,「成功洗底,更屬教科書式案例。」
    • 此外,上月「六四」二十周年燭光晚會參加人數創出歷史新高,領先指標,以至不少人都認定「會改寫今年七一遊行,以至年底政制改革的面貌!」但結果七一遊行人數遜於預期,帶來了連串至今仍然繼續的評論分析。



    Tuesday, July 7, 2009

    Whither American Way of Life!?

    1984年,美國總統列根歴史性訪華,期間在上海復旦大學演講,高調宣揚 American Way of Life--那是美國人老實地相信「美式生活」的年代!其後,89年柏林圍牆倒塌,兩年後前蘇聯解體,國際間,是友是敵,都接受了美式生活爲美國國力的代表。

    剛讀到最新一期 Business Week 的一篇文章,由前美國哈佛商學院教授 Shoshana Zuboff 所撰寫,內容之震撼,與上述言論不遑多讓,指稱哈佛昔日之管理課程,今天不單經已過時,更是引發目前金融及經濟危機的重要原因;另一方面,文章也就適切未來世界轉變的管理,提出了一些前瞻性的觀點。

    茲將上述這些言論,在附上之 Concept Map 一併列出,以供參考。