- 見招拆招--There is no plan.
- 取長棄短--Think strengths, not weaknesses.
- 捨己隨人--It’s not about you.
- 鍥而不捨--Persistence trumps talent.
- 錯有錯著--Make excellent mistakes.
- 留下掌印--Leave an imprint.
更可愛的是,書中的 Johnny Bunko 並非甚麼大人物,而是一個虛構漫畫故事的主人翁--在美國,以漫畫形式出版打工指南,這還是破天荒的第一次。好奇心的驅使下,我終於賣了一本,一口氣看完。意外地,不單感覺出奇良好,更發現原來只要言之有物,漫晝本是極具說服力的表達媒介。
爲此,特別搜集了一些相關資料,在附上的導想圖/Concept Map中列出,供小組討論之用。
An MBA subject I took in the eighties called ‘management of innovation and change’ advocated that an innovation process should include systematic prediction of its positive and negative impacts on a society. I wonder if most innovators today have rejected this thinking, believing that things move so fast that impacts are not predictable. If unguarded, could the Free Agent culture lead to irreversible impacts, and even disasters?